Saturday, February 18, 2012

Who am I

Who am I?  It is a New year and a new beginning with new possibilities.  A time to let go of that which we can not change, all the hurt, pain, disappointments and expectations that we all put on ourselves and others around us, and learning to hold on loosely to the good that is now a part of who you are. Learning to keep moving forward with whatever may come our way......

 Who I am? A journey that is exciting and scary all at the same time. It is not an easy path to go down, many of us will stay with in what we feel is
safe, in the familiar.... If it is not broken, don't fix it...... I would agree with this most of the time.... 

Change is not  the easiest of paths to go down, no matter how many times you have, it is always different, whether it is a BIG life changing experience, or a simple change of your mind..........
Should I or should I not? 
Changing our thinking, is not always as easy as you think it is.  Yet change is enviable ........
If there is something that is stopping the gears of life from moving smoothly, maybe it is time to look at things, take a chance and move forward on your life's journey.........

I've always have had someone telling me who I am, and what they expected of me.
Life is so full of labels, but does that really define who we are, or the best way to live our life?

No risks, no real loss and no real gain either.  We may find things that we may not  like or want to see, on our journey to finding who we are, but these are the times we grow and learn the most from. Removing the labels and the blinders, and looking at the real you. When we are challenged beyond what we thought ever capable, and feel as if we have emotionally, mentally and physically been pushed to our limits, we feel we have no more to give..........
Don't give up, there is something bigger than you and I at work. Trust that there is others out there to lift you back on your feet, if we just reach out.......

In this next coming year, I'm learning more about who am, where I am going and what I am wanting in my life.... I feel as if I'm at a crossroads, which direction should I go, the one with no growth, gain or real change, and no challenge?

It is time to prove to myself who I am, to see if there really is anymore than what others see or what I say that I am. Not living my life with my eyes shut, not wanting to look at any problems that may or may not be there, and hoping they will resolve by themselves.

                                                                                       Going down the path that is the easiest with less resistance maybe? Missing out on what might be one of the greats gift and blessing?.....  One thing I have learned is that life is constantly changing and moving forward with or without us, whether we are ready or not it is going to keep Moving forward......

 If you are like me and are chronically ill, you know how precious and fragile life can be, everyday is a gift.... I don't want to waste it, so if there is something holding me back where I feel that I am not able to move forward, whether it is old hurt and pain from someone, life's bumps and bruises, resentment, or fear.  Maybe you have carried something with you that you thought was one way but really it wasn't and it has changed your life's path............ Every experience we have is forever woven into our fabric of our life...... What does yours look like?

I have decided that right now is the time to work on ME and be the best ME that I can be, so that I'm there for those that I am saying that I care for and love..... If you're not able to be there for yourself, how will you ever be there for anyone else? You'll never be able to let anyone in to be there for you, unless you are there for yourself first......